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Al Howland for State House District 20

Education: BS Biology, Hobart College; MSEd, Northern Illinois University
Previous Elected Experience: Oyster River School Board 2012-2022, Durham Town Council 2016-2022
Past Committee Experience: Oyster River Finance Committee, Oyster River Negotiations Committee, Oyster River Wellness Committee, Oyster River Sustainability Committee, Durham Economic Development Committee, Durham Housing Task Force, Durham Agricultural Committee, Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee, Durham Parks and Recreation Committee, Celebrate Durham.
Current Committees: Durham Housing Task Force, Durham Parks and Recreation Committee, Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee, Celebrate Durham.
I am a 24-year Durham resident, running as a Democratic candidate for the Strafford County NH House District 20 seat. This large, newly-formed district includes Durham, Dover Ward 4, Lee, and Madbury. I believe that equity and fairness are essential to an economy that supports all New Hampshire residents. It is a commitment that can be seen throughout my service on the Oyster River School Board and the Durham Town Council.
In 2012, I was elected to the Oyster River School Board. The district’s vision statement is “Engage every learner”. During the decade I was on the Board, we worked to make that vision a reality. We established LBGTQ and antiracism policies, and implemented support services to meet students’ academic and social-emotional needs. We joined the ConVal School District lawsuit, seeking equitable state funding for local school districts. Inclusive planning processes allowed us to craft budgets that enjoyed strong community support.
In 2016, I was elected to the Durham Town Council. Over the next six years, I encouraged the kind of thoughtful development required to expand the town’s tax base and stabilize tax rates. I helped establish the Durham Housing Task Force that is working on zoning proposals to diversify our housing supply. On town committees, I worked to reduce landfill waste and improve the health of Oyster River. These efforts were all part of the larger goal of making Durham a more sustainable and equitable community.
My priorities in Concord are fair funding for school districts, healthcare policies and funding that supports womens' reproductive choice, funding for facilities and services required to address our mental health crisis, and developing policies that encourage the diverse housing stock required for a strong economy. If you have questions about my positions on issues or policies, send an email to al.howland.13@gmail.com. The New Hampshire primary is Tuesday September 13th. I would love an opportunity to gain your support.
Please go to the polls September 13th and vote.
Allan Howland